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Testimonials - Rescues & Shelters

When shelters and rescues need help with keeping cats safe, they turn to Purrfect Fence. This is something we are very proud of and even offer discounts to properly registered rescues and shelters! If you operate a 501(3)(c) shelter or rescue get in touch with us for details!

NOTE: Many photos in this section depict Purrfect Fence prior to design change from arched top to pivoting arm extender (change made to keep fence within 6 foot height for zoning)

All Creatures Big and Small at His Hands Extended

Here are just a couple of pictures to show you our babies. This is our Puurr...fect Fence boy whose name is Purrfect.  He is one of the 146 strays that live now with us at His Hands Extended Sanctuary and most of which now are behind your marvelous fencing.  The photo developing store lost the film with all my other fence project pictures but as soon as they find it, SIGH, I will send you more.  This is just the baby play area only 100 feet, but I have just finished a section of 4 fence kits give or take a few feet that is really kitty heaven complete with trees to climb (some limbs removed to not facilitate launching out).  Wanted you to see our look alike cutie; to bad he wasn't smiling.

I need a gate and 5 arches to finish up the expansions of the kittens pen.  Their numbers have grown to over 20 and I want them to have more room so I am going to attach one to the other via a tunnel like run way!

Some of the pictures I sent you recently were right after the huge storm we experienced.  All the cat enclosures had 10x10 tents for shade and a nice dry spot to sit outside.  Well the wind took all three from three different areas down.  They were solidly staked into the ground, but when you are dealing with winds that blew highway signs down, snapped huge trees here at the sanctuary like match sticks, and leveled some buildings elsewhere I guess the tents did the best job they could.

One went airborne, flipped almost over the Purr...fect fence but the fabric on the top got caught in one of the arches.  My cousin Teri just happened to stop by and with the help of a strong young man named Cole managed to get it down.  They had to cut the fabric because at one point it was flattened against the fence with the full force of 50 mile an hour wind blowing against it.

When I got home from working in was dark so after a quick head count to make sure all 146 residents of His Hands Extended Sanctuary were present and accounted for, I took the flashlight and was amazed to find the fence in good shape after such a beating.  The next morning all I had to do was unclip a few tie wraps, push two poles back into line, rewrap it and you would never know anything had happened.  Wow, I wish my electric fence had faired as well, off for four days, maybe you should branch out to other endeavors since your fence product is of such great quality.

Tanya Jordan
St. Paris, OH

Oakland Animal Shelter

The Catio is such a wonderful place to take the cats, they love to stretch out in the grass and bask in the sun. It's a much larger space than our socializing rooms so we can have 4 or 5 cats playing together and this makes them more attractive as pets going to a home with a resident cat. They burn off a lot of energy and I think they seem a lot more relaxed back in their condos.

Mary Cochran, Mentor and Cat Volunteer
Oakland, CA

Oakland Animal Shelter

The Catio is a resounding success. Cats now can go outside the shelter, smell outdoor air, hear outdoor sounds, feel sunshine, and EAT GRASS!!! They can play with bugs; feel the coolness of the earth, and have a choice of leaping into the air on grass or concrete. The Catio provides shelter cats with access to outdoor life in a very safe environment. Many human visitors have been impressed by the Catio, often saying something like, "I wish my cat had this."

Warren Kennell, Cat Volunteer
Oakland, CA

A House Full Of Cats' Cat Sanctuary - Springville, CA

I LOVE PURR...FECT FENCE! After a long search to find a way to make an outdoor cat enclosure for the cats at our cat sanctuary, we finally found the solution...Purr...fect Fence. Not only could we fence off an area that had no exisiting fence (we found lseveral that required existing fencing)), but we could also add a gate to allow outside access for a mower, etc. I had to put it up by myself (I am a 50 year old woman with minimal handyman skills) and, while the terrain posed some issues, the fence actually went up easier than I had anticipated. I practically wore out the DVD referring to it so often. I'm grateful it came with the fence - it was a big help!

The cats are having a ball in their very own, safe, outdoor yard. (All 23 of them!) The yard provides more room to play their favorite games, DaBird (a fishing pole toy) and chasing ping-pong balls! Even the kittens we recently took in are enjoying the grass and sunshine. I would recommend Purr...fect Fence to everyone. If I can put it up - anyone can! It has been well worth it for both people and cats. Thank you Purr...fect Fence!

Donna Haizlip

Gonzales Animal Shelter, Gonzales, TX

We have had our Purr...fect Fence for about four months now and are extremely pleased with how it has helped our cats. We operate a no-kill municipal shelter and house from 30 to 110 cats and kittens, depending on the season.

We used two Purr...fect Fence kits to create 2600 sq. ft. outside area with a pet door to our 2500 sq. ft. building. With the kits we doubled our sq. footage and immediately reduced stress among the cats in colony or open housing. You could feel the difference within a few hours as they explored their new outside area. We can close off the pet door and take the caged litters of kittens out to play. We can also give the caged not yet tested cats some outdoor exercise.

We are sectioning off a small area so that cats testing positive for leukemia can be outside (but isolated) while we find them special needs homes. One unexpected benefit was that now our beautiful cats can be seen from the street and they attract adopters. This is a wonderful solution for cats in shelters!

Glynda S. Christian - Cat Facility Coordinator

Monmouth County SPCA, NJ

For anyone working with feral cats there finally is a perfect fence. We at the MCSPCA were skeptical if the cats would stay in the enclosure. Would they manage to climb over the fence? To our amazement the cats frolicked in the outdoor enclosure, enjoying the opportunity to explore the outdoors while being securely confined. For anyone that has a neighbor complaining about roaming cats in their flowerbeds this is the solution. We thank Purr…fect Fence for the opportunity to see how well the fence works first hand.

Ursula Goetz - Executive Director

Kitty Cottage Cat Shelter Blue Bell, PA

"We love our fence….Our 40 cats have not even attempted to climb it – It seems to provide some sort of visual deterrent. We now eat lunch outside with the cats, and it gives everyone a break and makes it a lot less crowded in our facility. The cats enjoy being outside so much that we have to entice them with food to get them back inside!

We feel real safe about them being out there, are thrilled with our fence, and recommend it to everyone that comes to visit our cat shelter.”


Dessin Animal Shelter, Honesdale, PA

"The cats are thrilled to be outside for part of the day. We put the kittens out in the morning and the older cats out in the afternoon. It's so great to watch them feeling free and playing in the fresh air."

Susan Frisch

Kitty Haven Sanctuary, Garden Valley, CA

"This fencing keeps our cats safe from wildlife and even allows us to keep our goats enclosed in the two acre area."

Cindy Hereth 

Stray and Feral Friends, Leesburg, GA

"I'm very grateful for this fence and what it has allowed us to do for the strays."

Maria Burley